MADRIX Forum • LOR using 1 pixel RGBW fixtures
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LOR using 1 pixel RGBW fixtures

Posted: Thu Nov 13, 2014 9:36 pm
by zeighty
Hi Madrix experts -
I have 2 LOR controllers running 16 channels each. The 1st controller is normal 1 pixel single fixtures (all 16 channels).

The 2 nd controller is 4 - 1 pixel RGBW fixtures which use 4 channels of the controller each. The channels are connected across 4 props (Trees) with each channel in proper order for each of the 4 colors.
When I use M2L Drops I get very little if any "RGBW" kind of control. I can live with that.
When I select any other kind of control (i.e. M2L Color Scroll) where my trees are working like they should - red channels result is red on all trees. Same with green and blue. White is not working. It will not show up with any setup that is properly lighting my RGB channels.
I must be missing a setting.
Any and all help would be appreciated.

Re: LOR using 1 pixel RGBW fixtures

Posted: Mon Nov 17, 2014 12:04 pm
by Fritzsche
Hi Robert,
Can you please contact us at info[at]
If possible, please send your MADRIX Setup file with this e-mail and a small report indicating what is working correctly and what is not. We should be able to help you there.
Thank you very much!