MADRIX Forum • Scale Matrix/Patches
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Scale Matrix/Patches

Posted: Thu Jan 28, 2010 10:23 pm
by Bob
I have an existing setup that I want to expand. I can easily add a few rows under Patches and everything is fine, it keeps the fixtures where they are relative to position 0,0 but here is the problem:

Every layer that has a "map" effect gets scaled and all the map effects no longer line up with the fixtures they were created for.

This is incredibly painful and means I'd have to manually offset every mapped layer for every efffect to line up with the fixture position.

Any suggestions?

Re: Scale Matrix/Patches

Posted: Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:53 am
by Wissmann
Hi Bob,
unfortunately i have no solution for your special case.
MADRIX save the map position and size relative to the virtual matrix size.
This is because of the possibility from MADRIX to automaticaly scale effects to differnet matrix sizes if i use the same setup on different applications without the necessary to reprogram the show to get the same look.
Until know we have no idea about cases like yours, therefor there is no possibilty implemented to avoid the above described behavior.
The only idea i have for you to manage it for the future if you have this case again is to set up the mapping with the layer macro and using pixel coordinates.
For example:
This will ensure that the layer will always be at pixel position 0,0 with a width from 20 pixel and a hight of 5 pixel.