MADRIX Forum • Using Cue List to Start a Timeline in Madrix 5
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Using Cue List to Start a Timeline in Madrix 5

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 6:48 am
by Splinter
Hi everyone,

Is it possible to use the Cue list in Madrix 5 to start a timeline instead of triggering an effect? I'm looking to use the cue list as a scheduling calendar to play timelines.

Thanks in advance for your help!

Re: Using Cue List to Start a Timeline in Madrix 5

Posted: Wed Jun 26, 2024 9:04 am
by Schulze
Hi Splinter,

We will add a new feature called "Scheduling" with the next MADRIX 5 version (MADRIX 5.7), this feature will exactly serve your request.
We are optimistic to release this version in the next weeks. If you can't wait for the feature to be released, you can still use a macro / script. If you need help with that, please contact us!