MADRIX Forum • Chaser groups
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Chaser groups

Posted: Fri Aug 09, 2024 12:08 pm
by Nicolas delight
Hi everyone,

I'm quite newbie with Madrix. I have a to show to program in Madrix with timelines.
I was wondering if it's possible to trigger chaser group, effect in the timeline or it's just effects in storage places ?
Thank you

Re: Chaser groups

Posted: Mon Aug 12, 2024 1:25 pm
by Guertler
Hello Nicolas delight,
Welcome to the MADRIX forum.

It is possible to trigger Group Presets via the Timeline. If you want to trigger a Group Value Chaser via the Timeline, a Group Preset with the desired Chaser needs to be created first. In the Timeline Editor, you can call the desired Group Preset.