MADRIX Forum • sACN (E1.31) output
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sACN (E1.31) output

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:59 am
by neilric99
Can I disable/enable the E1.31 output from madrix via script?

I want to be able to pause the output (blackout) to the pixels, but just sending them to black keeps outputting the blackout command, when disabled output I want to send commands from another sequencing program to my pixel matrix

or what about loadiing a new output patch on the fly via script?

Re: sACN (E1.31) output

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 8:18 am
by Wissmann

currently there is no possibility like this.
You set up the Black out via the main out macro but it is not possible to set up device settings via script.

Re: sACN (E1.31) output

Posted: Fri Aug 26, 2011 6:41 pm
by dieter
I have same problem 1 year before with art-net.
I have 3 answer for you.

The first, control the blackout and set in the interface to merge with htp. The blackout can control via script.

The second way, enable disable the used interfaces in MADRIX device control list. This don't control via script.

The third, disable the network interface in you windows system with a batch script. This script can you link to desktop for a quick start.

In my case I use the first way.

I hope can help you.

Re: sACN (E1.31) output

Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 12:05 am
by neilric99
thanks Dieter, I like those 3 solutions and will work out which one works best for me

I suspect that currently I have a setting somewhere in the contoller that need to set htp, not sure if I can currently do that, but will try that first