USB Protocols Supported?

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USB Protocols Supported?

Post by PaulStoffregen »

I'm the author of a popular Arduino library for communication with large numbers of LEDs. It's called OctoWS2811 (easily findable with google).

Most people use my library together with some open source examples, like a Processing-based program that reads a video file and transmits each frame over USB.

Occasionally, I get questions from more "professional" users who want to integrate an OctoWS2811-based display with your Madrix software. Today, the best I can tell them is "I'm never used Madrix, but it says it supports Artnet, so the OctoWS2811-Artnet example is probably a place to start".

Ideally, I'd love to be able to tell people "yes, it's confirmed to work with Madrix... and here's the steps you should follow". In fact, I'd even like to put such info on my web page for OctoWS2811, with a link to your site. I don't want anything in return (not even a free or discounted copy of your software).

I only want to help people build awesome LED projects. If there's any info or advise I should give people, please let me know?
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Re: USB Protocols Supported?

Post by Guertler »

Hello PaulStoffregen,
Welcome to the MADRIX forum.
Yes, your approach is correct.
MADRIX supports Art-Net. That means, all devices that are fully compatible with Art-Net [Art-Net I, Art-Net II,
Art-Net III] will work with MADRIX.
The following link will take you to a tutorial that shows how to connect an Art-Net interface to MADRIX. ... t_net.html
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Joined: Fri Oct 24, 2014 2:42 pm

Re: USB Protocols Supported?

Post by PaulStoffregen »

Ok, so it sounds like there aren't any USB protocols supported... that Artnet over Ethernet is the most viable approach?
Posts: 909
Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:47 am

Re: USB Protocols Supported?

Post by Guertler »

Hello PaulStoffregen,
In your case Art-Net is the most viable approach.
Furthermore MADRIX supports the following USB-DMX interfaces: ... faces.html