Enttec Pixelator and Madrix

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Enttec Pixelator and Madrix

Post by ProLumin1 »

I'm new to Madrix, and my question might be easy to answer, but here it is. I am running Madrix on my PC and I' trying to control 24 WS2812 strips using the Enttec Pixelator. Is it possible to add more than 4 ports per Artnet device. I am trying to assign all the ports on the back of the device to collate with the ports in Madrix.
Ideas, Help any information would be great.
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Re: Enttec Pixelator and Madrix

Post by Guertler »

Hello ProLumin1,
Welcome to the MADRIX forum.
When you want to add an Art-Net node which has more than 4 ports you have to divide it into more devices which consists of 1 - 4 ports. The devices of this node must have the same IP.
This depends on the Art-Net specification. This specification requires that an Art-Net node consists of maximum 4 ports. If the device has more than 4 universe you have to devide it into more devices with the same IP address but all devices (of this node) have an other bind index.
MADRIX should find the 48 ports the Enttec Pixelator automatically. In the following link you can learn how it works:
http://help.madrix.com/tutorials/html/i ... t_net.html
After the searching for the devices you should see 12 devices with 4 ports which have all the same IP address. When you switch to the "DMX Devices" tab in the MADRIX "Device Manager" you can change the DMX universe assignment of each port.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us again!
Thank you.