Two questions about external midi controllers

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Two questions about external midi controllers

Post by Chestal »

Hello there, Dear community!

I wanted to ask you two quesrions :
First of all, which controller you use to make crossovers between the left and right LED patterns.

And , secondly: is there an option to put the individual options of each pattern (e.g. 'size', 'count', and so on...) to a fader of an external controller?
I know that each pattern has different options. But maybe there is a possibility like this: Option 1 stands for the first option in every pattern (once it is for example height, in another pattern it is BPM),
option 2 stands for the second option and so on ... so that I can put a fader to each "general option": So my first fader would fade option 1 of the active pattern (in one case e.g. the height of the pattern, in another case the count of balls), the 2nd fader would change the value of the second option and so on.

I hope that you understand what I mean.
If not, I will try my best ro explain it in more understandeable words ;-)

Kind regards,
Posts: 736
Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:26 pm

Re: Two questions about external midi controllers

Post by Fritzsche »

Hi Chris!
Thanks to the general MIDI support of MADRIX, you can choose your preferred controller. Due to the layout and functionality of MADRIX, DJ controllers are often a good fit and are fun to use with MADRIX. Before the MIDI Remote Editor was implemented into MADRIX, we created some pre-programmed MIDI maps for a variety of controllers here: ... di-in.html
This list has not been updated, because you can now freely map any controller you want with the MIDI Remote Editor. But it might give you a good impression on what to look for. (Please also note that MADRIX will not be able to light up any button on a MIDI controller when pressed. This functionality is not available.)
The option you describe, is currently not possible. We completely understand the concept you are describing. But it is questionable if this could be implemented. All the MADRIX Effects are so very different and that is why such a concept could work for some effects, but not for others. Thank you for your input, though!