sound card does not found on windows 10

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sound card does not found on windows 10

Post by LAURTIB »

I bought an ultimate license and I am using version 3.5a runing under windows 10.
I have set up the wave capture device to VDM and the mesage is : "No audio capture devices were found"
the sound card is a Realteck.
Any ideeas ?
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Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:47 am

Re: sound card does not found on windows 10

Post by Guertler »

Do want to analyse the audio signal from a music player which is also opened on the same PC or do you want to analyse the audio signal from a connected microphone or line in signal?
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Joined: Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:28 am

Re: sound card does not found on windows 10

Post by LAURTIB »

Hello Guertler,
thank you for your quick post
I need to do both.
Posts: 909
Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:47 am

Re: sound card does not found on windows 10

Post by Guertler »

Some soundcards are activating the microphone/line in channel after a cable was plugged to the connection jack.
If this will not help please open the Windows Recording Devices window. Perform a click with the left mouse button in the Recording Devices list and enable "Show Disabled Devices" and also "Show Disconnected Devices". If the sound card will provide a Microphone connction you should find it now. If it is disabled please enable it. After you have enabled a Recording Device you will find it in the MADRIX "Audio Input" tab of the "Device Manager"
When you want to analyse the music with MADRIX and play it back with one an the same PC you have to use the "Stereo Mix" option of the sound card. This option is often disabled in the Windows Recording Devices window. Please enable it in the same way I described above.
Also some sound cards are not providing a "Stereo Mix". In that case you have to install a virtual audio cable. You will find several virtual audio cables when you are searching for it in the internet.