Advanced patching

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Advanced patching

Post by aristocompasso »

Hi all,

I need to patch a spherical display hanging from a dome structure, my issue is: if I abide by standard patching grid (zigzag or snake) I have Kms of cabling to manage because of DMX universe segmentation of the display. It would be much easier to make patching rule by concentric rings (despite the fact that voxels are still a string of balls hanging down).

Do you have any suggestions in order to make my patching more efficient with non-cubic displays?

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Re: Advanced patching

Post by Guertler »

Hello aristocompasso,

When you want to create a patch for a spherical object I want to recommend you to unfold the sphere to a plan object and patch it as a 2D object in MADRIX. To unfold the sphere to a 2D object two steps are necessary:
1.) Drag the pixels on the top and bottom of the sphere to a cylinder
2.) Unfold the cylinder to a rectangle object and patch this object.

When you are using a 2D patch for a 3D object, the MADRIX preview can not be used as a visualizer. In that case the MADRIX preview is a technical preview to show how the effect is looking.
The MADRIX Effects self give you the possibility to work with a 2D patch for such kind of 3D objects. So some of the effects have a seemless option. If this option enabled, it looks like the effect is running around the object.
In other effects you can work with the width and high to let the effect run around the real object.
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Mar 09, 2017 1:16 pm

Re: Advanced patching

Post by aristocompasso »

Hi Guertler,

Thanks for your suggestion. It will be useful in other projects.

In this case, though, maybe it was not clear in my post, the sphere is a solid, not a spherical surface, i.e. there are voxels filling up its inner volume.

All the best,
Posts: 909
Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:47 am

Re: Advanced patching

Post by Guertler »

Hello aristocompasso,

If the sphere is not only a surface and the whole sphere is filled with pixels, you will also have the possibility to transfrom the again in cylinders. But now you will create more than one cylinder. Tha means you go from the outside to the inside and think every layer is a surface. Now you create the cylinders and then the plane patch for every layer of the sphere as explained in my previous post. The different layers of the sphere can now be patched on different Z-layers in the MADRIX patch.

Another possibility is of course to patch the sphere as a 3D object in MADRIX. Therefor you have to patch it pixel by pixel.
Or if you have created the sphere as a 3D model in a visualizer you can send us a fixture list as CSV file and we will import the model for you in MADRIX. Please send the file to info[at]madrix[dot]com