Trouble with sACN, 3.6i.

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Joined: Tue Apr 16, 2019 4:10 pm

Trouble with sACN, 3.6i.

Post by Enfrize »

We have a trouble, It seems we found new bug: it`s happened when we used Streaming-CAN. When light-led are changing fast (20-30 times per second) then Madrix forming the sACN package takes half from old one, and another one from new.
For example: strobe red-blue-red-blue-red
As result half leds are red another half are blue.
Ver. 3.6i
Posts: 736
Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:26 pm

Re: Trouble with sACN, 3.6i.

Post by Fritzsche »


Thank you for your post!

Could you please answer a few questions:
- Do you see this behavior when using lower frame rates (In the MADRIX Software, please go to menu Preferences > Device Manager... > DMX Devices and set the Frame Time to 67 / FPS = 14.9)?
- Do you see this on one panel or several panels? Is it the same on the panels or different?
- Do you see it on different universes or the same universe?

I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Thank you!