Spout output result with blank spots

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Joined: Tue Oct 23, 2018 2:51 am

Spout output result with blank spots

Post by hendrawinata »

Hi Madrix,

First of all, thanks for the MAdrix 5.1 that allows spout in and out that creates many possibilities of interconnectivity.

Recently, I am trying to spout out to MadMapper to simulate the Madrix effect to a bridge image nd I find out that the lines created in Madrix perfectly but projected kind of with dash lines (blank discontinued lines in pattern).

Same thing when i tried to spout out to resolume same thing happened

I have tried to adjust the frame rate, increase the line thickness, etc. but result no difference

Hope to hear from you soon

Hendra W.
Posts: 327
Joined: Fri Mar 22, 2019 4:21 pm

Re: Spout output result with blank spots

Post by Schulze »

Hi hendrawinata,

Since I couldn't reproduce the issue, could you please send us your MADRIX setup via e-mail to info[at]madrix[dot]com?

Thank you very much.
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