Same Universe across multiple Stella's

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Same Universe across multiple Stella's

Post by Quinton »

Hi, I haven't used the Stella before and was wondering if it is possible to have multiple Stella's on the same universe to make cabling easier. I have a situation were i only have about 100 4CH fittings split up in 4 lots of 25 across a very large area so its much easier to use existing data cabling to interlink the fittings rather installing new DMX cabling. My idea was to install 4x stellas, 1 in each of the areas then run my DMX fittings of these but wanted to make sure i can set them to the same universe and then set my channels on the fittings from 1-400. So i have 2 questions:
1. Would this work as i have described?
2. If this is possible would it be synchronized OK or will i have issues with my effects, lag etc?
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Re: Same Universe across multiple Stella's

Post by Guertler »

Hello Quinton,

The wanted behavior of the STELLA and a desired controller will work in general. You only need to pay attention how the data will be send from the used controller to the STELLAs.
If the data will be send in unicast mode, the controller must be able to assign multiple ports of different interfaces to one and the same universe. With the MADRIX software it will not be a problem. Simply assign the desired amount of STELLAs respectively STELLA ports to the same universe. Now MADRIX will send the data of the assigned universe to the different STELLAs and the STELLAs will output it simultaniously.

If the controller will send the data in broadcast mode you have to set the desired universe per port at every STELLA. The controller send the desired universes and all assigend ports of the different STELLAs will receive the data of every universe and output the data of the assigned one. Please note to send data Ar-Net data in broadcast mode will increase the network traffic.

If the used controller is working according to the Art-Net or sACN specification, the output will be synced if the network workload allows it. The lighting data will be send UDP through the network if the traffic is to high and the lighting data package will not received from the interface it can't be outputted.
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Re: Same Universe across multiple Stella's

Post by Quinton »

Hi Guertler,

I will use either a PC with Madrix5 or and Aura to control the Stellas. The project will grow to different areas so low network traffic is very important.

Will the Aura / Madrix5 PC output in unicast OK? Is this the best way to set this up to ensure reliability / low bandwidth?
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Re: Same Universe across multiple Stella's

Post by Schulze »

Hi Quinton,

Both MADRIX 5 and the MADRIX AURA allow you to send data in broadcast -or unicast mode in case of Art-Net or unicast and multicast in case of sACN. Using unicast is a great way to lower the data traffic immensely, which means that a larger number of Art-Net devices can be used in one network. Reduced network traffic also increases the performance and stability.
Posts: 31
Joined: Sun Oct 18, 2020 5:02 am

Re: Same Universe across multiple Stella's

Post by Quinton »

Thanks Schulze
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