Using latest version of Madrix on Neo

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Using latest version of Madrix on Neo

Post by KennyQ »

I bought Madrix Neo a few years ago and never used it. I would like to use it now that I have 4 Elation ACL 360 Matrix lights. The Version of Madrix that I have on my Windows 10 computer is 3.6e
How can I find and download the last version that is compatible with NEO?
How can I load my Elation ACL 360 in the software?
Thank you
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Re: Using latest version of Madrix on Neo

Post by Schulze »

Hi KennyQ,

1) "How can I find and download the last version that is compatible with NEO?!"

- Please send us the serial number of your MADRIX NEO to info[at]madrix[dot]com, you will find it on the backside of the device. We will send you the download link for the last MADRIX 3 version in return.
- The MADRIX NEO only enables the data output for MADRIX 3. If you want to use MADRIX 5, you will need a MADRIX 5 KEY and a MADRIX 5 start license. That means the MADRIX NEO doesn't enable the data output for MADRIX 5.
- You are able to use the MADRIX NEO with all MADRIX versions.
- Please note that the software support and project support for the MADRIX 3 series has ended on May 07, 2020.

2) "How can I load my Elation ACL 360 in the software?"

- You will need to create a Fixture Profile with the help of the "Fixture Editor".
- Here you can learn how to create a Fixture Profile with the Fixture Editor in MADRIX 3: ... xture.html
- The fixture library of MADRIX 5 already contains the requested fixture.

Thank you.
Posts: 2
Joined: Sun Feb 07, 2021 6:26 pm

Re: Using latest version of Madrix on Neo

Post by KennyQ »

Thank you for your reply and help.
Questions: Will Madrix 3 or version 5 easily control the Pan and Tilt of the moving head of the Elation ACL 360 Matrix as well?
Is there an easy way to apply letters and numbers to each fixture when wanted?
Thank you.
-Kenny Q
Posts: 909
Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:47 am

Re: Using latest version of Madrix on Neo

Post by Guertler »

Hello KennyQ,

MADRIX is designed to create fantastic lighting effects at "static" fixtures (without Pan/Tilt movement) which are arranged in a desired matrix. But MADRIX isn't designed to control the Pan and Tilt movement of moving heads.
For RGB moving lights it is recommended to use a desired moving light controller to control Pan and Tilt and MADRIX which is responsible to crontrol the colors/create effects. At the end the data of both can be merged. Merging of data would be possible at the MADRIX software via DMX input.

With the help of MADRIX it is easily possible to display letters at the desired "Elation ACL 360 Matrix". Simply us the "SCE Counter" or "SCE Ticker/Scrolling Text" effect.
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