Is it possible to output both layers at full intensity?

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Is it possible to output both layers at full intensity?

Post by KZ123456 »


I've a question, and I've searched for a short while if somebody already asked.
I could not find any results, so I've added this topic.

For my setup I want to use both layers simultaneously, since 1 layer is 1 room and layer 2 is an other room.
Now I've noticed, if the crossfader is in centered, the output is a bit more dimmed as when it is focused on one layer.

Is it possible to output both layers at the same time, with maximum intensity?
Now I'm missing quite some intensity output

Thanks in advance,
If I'm not clear on anything; sorry, please ask me anything
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Re: Is it possible to output both layers at full intensity?

Post by Guertler »

Hello KZ123456,
Welcome to the MADRIX forum.

If you will change the Fade Type of the Crossfader to "White Fade" (WF), MADRIX will output the full intensity of both decks when the Crossfader is at the middle possition.

More about the crossfader settings you can learn under the following link: ... array.html
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Joined: Mon Oct 25, 2021 5:36 pm

Re: Is it possible to output both layers at full intensity?

Post by KZ123456 »

Appreciated! Will test this today, but I can imagine this will help.

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