Trying to connect Madrix 5 to GrandMA dot2

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Trying to connect Madrix 5 to GrandMA dot2

Post by brockburns94 »

I’m having trouble connecting Madrix to my dot2 to run remote. Every time I enable artnet on my desk, the LED strips flash. In order for it to control Madrix I need to find out why. Any tips? I also am having trouble locating my artnet device through Madrix.
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Re: Trying to connect Madrix 5 to GrandMA dot2

Post by Guertler »

Hello brockburns94,

If the connected "MA Ligthing - dot2" is sending the data broadcast to a desired universe and the MADRIX remote configuration plus one of your desired Art-Net nodes are assigend to the same exactly the same universe will receive the data from the console.
Why does it flash: If this is the case, the Art-Net node will get Art-Net data from 2 different controllers (MADRIX and the "dot2"). Now it sounds like the the Art-Net node will handle the data from 2 sources in LTP mode and that means sometimes the signal of MADRIX wines and sometimes the signal of the dot2. If MADRIX is sending now a desired color information and the dot2 black (DMX value 0), it looks like flashing.
What can you do to prevent this behavior:
Option 1: Please double check the settings at the "dot2" and send the data in Unicast to control MADRIX remotely.
Option 2: Use another universe (which isn't used by the Art-Net node) to control MADRIX remotely.
Option 3: change the universe of the Art-Net node to another one.
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