Stream NDI vs SPOut

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Stream NDI vs SPOut

Post by MTX-Lightning »

Hello @all

I saw some threads about NDI Streaming in the forum, so I want to share some infomations I have collected:
If you use NDI stream with small Patches like 3D LED Tubes or 2D with blank parts or something else, I had some problems with the stream.
The problem was that NDI could make problems with odd patches so 1,3,5,7.... rows...
The output could be unsharp.
Same thing with 2D and blank parts. The blank part maybe not clear / blank and the rows next to the blank part can get blurred.
So if you use it for other programs to import a clear stream, try SPOut. It's nearly the same, but for me I have no problems with that kind of stream. SPOut is supported with many other programs, too.
Instead of NDI just click on SPOut and try what is better for you.
For some Projects NDI might be a better choice. I don't know. For me in 2/2 projects I got Problems with NDI, while SPOut was working fine.

Maybe I could help someone with similar porlems ;)
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Re: Stream NDI vs SPOut

Post by Schulze »

Hi MTX-Lightning,

Thank you for sharing your expirience!

I would like to add something:
This is because SPOUT is not using compression, but NDI does.
Lets put it that way: If you want share content between two applications on the same machine I recommend to use SPOUT. If there are two seperated systems in a network environment use NDI.
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