Madrix 5 not sending ArtNet to Unreal Engine 5

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Madrix 5 not sending ArtNet to Unreal Engine 5

Post by starphan »

I'm able to send ArtNet DMX from TouchDesigner to Unreal 5 (DMX plugin)

I'm also able to send ArtNet DMX from Madrix 5 to TouchDesigner.

But Madrix signals don't come directly into Unreal.

As a workaround, I *could* send to Unreal via TD (using two different networks), but that's silly. Any ideas why it's not working?

Edit: Just wondering, but maybe it has to do with the startCode value that Madrix outputs (making for 513 instead of 512 values)?

(also, wow, Madrix must be pretty stable, the last bug report was in in November..?)
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Re: Madrix 5 not sending ArtNet to Unreal Engine 5

Post by Guertler »

Hello starphan,
Welcome to the MADRIX Forum.

MADRIX 5 can send Art-Net data to Unreal 5.
You only need to take care about the following points:
  1. If MADRIX 5 and Unreal is running at the same PC, Unreal needs to start first and MADRIX 5 as second application.
  2. The Art-Net universes in MADRIX are 1 based and in Unreal they are 0 based. That means if you want to send Universe 1 from MADRIX to Unreal, Unreal will receive it in Universe 0.
  3. By default MADRIX is sending all DMX data "Optimized". But Unreal want's to receive only full DMX frames. As long as the setting is set to "Optimized" at the "DMX Device" tab of the MADRIX 5 "Device Manager" no data will be received in Unreal. You simply change the sending behavior of MADRIX under the column "Frames" at the already named "DMX Devices" tab of the "Device Manager". Simply select all desired Devices and perform a right-click at the column "Frames" at one of the "Devices" and change it from "Optimized" to "Full".
I hope this will help you.
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