DMX IN Trigger as next step

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Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:47 am

DMX IN Trigger as next step

Post by hanzie87 »

Hi all,

Is it possible to trigger i.e. a shape effect with dmx in to just one next step?
Like the TRI effects do but i don't want min and max addresses to decide where to drop or appear.
Just a random place would be triggered every time a dmx in signal comes in.

Every way to achieve the above is very welcome cause i have a lot off floating bpm's coming up. So I want to tap many effects manually one step further.
Posts: 3
Joined: Tue Nov 20, 2012 10:47 am

Re: DMX IN Trigger as next step

Post by hanzie87 »

Nobody any idea?

Maybe some script that sends a bpm pulse to S2L effects from dmx input?
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Re: DMX IN Trigger as next step

Post by Guertler »

Hello hanzie87,

To trigger a shape at a random position of the matrix like expplained won't work natively with the MADRIX stock effect. But you can create this kind of effect with an own created MADRIX Script and using the MAS effect.
At the MAS script you can create the effect according to your needs. The script language has an own documentation and is based to the programming language C.
If you need help during the implementation feel free to contact us via e-mail to info[at]madrix[dot]com.

Can you please elaborate a bit more the second posted paragraph?
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