Nasty Crash on 3.2 with large patch

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Nasty Crash on 3.2 with large patch

Post by DProvorse »


Me again! Working on converting over a large install for 2 to 3 and ran into a nasty bug with a large patch.

I have a patch that is 600x600x1 at the moment ( will be adding dimensions shortly ) that is eating CPU like no other leading to a full lockup and crash.

The machines are custom built, twin 1 tb HDs in a Raid 1 for redundancy, 2 machines ( 1 primary 1 backup). They are running Intel Xeon W3680 3.33 Ghz chips overclocked to 4.17Mhz and they both have 24 GB of DDR3.

Each machine has 4GB network ports to support kiNet, ArtNet, and a control port.

Graphics cards are NVidia 2GB GT610's on the latest drivers which I believe is 3.5.2 straight from NVidia.

Windows 7 Pro 64 with all the current updates.

I'm outputting around 160 Universes with everything ArtNet optimized. What I'm seeing is that even if I disable the network cards ( they never run over about 10% usage anyways ) if I push something such as Plasma across at a decent clip my CPU is pegging at 80% or better till it crashes. If I run just a solild color fade it sets at a comfy 8% and runs all day.

If I do the same thing in Madrix 2 with a 600x600 patch I never break 50% CPU.

Any thoughts on what is going on? I can send you the full project file that you can load for testing if it helps. This is a production system on a massive property so for now I'm limping in just a color change mode hoping I don't have to roll back to Madrix 2.

Thanks in advance guys!

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Re: Nasty Crash on 3.2 with large patch

Post by Guertler »

Hello Dustin,
We are sorry to hear about this problem.
Do you use the previews in MADRIX 3 in 2D mode or in 3D mode? If you use it in 3D Mode please switch to 2D mode.
For an exact issue analysis please send us your created MADRIX 2 setup, MADRIX 3 setup, a permanently saved logfile of MADRIX 3 and a screenshot of the MADRIX Task Watcher when MADRIX is slow to info[at]madrix[dot]com.
To save the Logfile go to "Tools > Logfile" and enable the "Save Permanently" checkbox. A save dialog will be opened. Please choose a desired folder and name and click save.
Now please work with MADRIX until it crashes.
Please send us this logfile.
To open the Task Watcher please go in MADRIX to "Tools > Task Watcher...". Now create a screenshot of this window by pressing the "Alt and Print" keys together on your keyboard. The screenshot will be copied to the clipboard and you have to past it in a desired graphic program and save this image.
I am looking forward to hearing from you!
Thank you.
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Joined: Mon Mar 12, 2012 12:19 am

Re: Nasty Crash on 3.2 with large patch

Post by DProvorse »


Thanks for the response, I emailed in a file to info earlier with the current project. The crash is occurring in 2d mode even with previews disabled. I set the logs to record before I went off site so as soon as I get a nap for a few hours ( been fighting these all day) I'll be headed back in a few hours and I'll send over logs, task lists, and the other info.
If you have any other questions after looking at the configs just let me know.

Thanks again,
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Joined: Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:26 pm

Re: Nasty Crash on 3.2 with large patch

Post by Fritzsche »

For everyone's information:
DProvorse ran some tests on the specified computer machine and the system would crash, independently of MADRIX, every time under heavy load.
To the best of our knowledge, this has been narrowed down to be a hardware problem (CPU-related) instead of a software problem.
Thank you!