16bit cuelist control

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16bit cuelist control

Post by Klanook »

Hi guys,
Can I get a bit of help with the way madrix uses the new higher channel count cue list.

Ive tried to get it to work with a standard 16bit fader (2 dmx channels) in light factory
Ch26 course and ch 27 fine control.
Lining this up in is proving to be a problem.

I can get the fine control to work, but the madrix cue list loops back to cue 1 when the fine control (ch 27) resets back to 0 when course control (ch 26) increases its count.

Can you please clarify what remote input settings i should be using in this situation?
Is using a 16bit fader the right approach?

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Re: 16bit cuelist control

Post by Guertler »

Hello Klanook,
The two DMX channels for the "Goto" command in the MADRIX Cue List work in the following way:
- Goto Low 255: with this channel you can jump to the individual Cue List entries.
- Goto High 255: means you will create an offset. The offset will be calculated from the current DMX value "Goto High 255" by 256.
If you want to go to cue 300 for example you have to set "Goto Low 255" to "43" and "Goto High 255" to "1".
You can use a 16 bit fader in your desired lighting console. But maybe the DMX channel assignment for low and high is swapped. You can easiely change this assignment in the MADRIX "DMX-IN Remote Editor". In the "DMX-IN Remote Editor" please swap the the DMX channels for "Goto Low 255" and "Goto High 255".
Please let us know if this solves the problem. Thank you.