Simple pixel light

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Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:57 pm

Simple pixel light

Post by hing88008 »


I want to know is it possible to add six simple 3 colour pixel light below in the fixture library as default DMX fixture?

1 pixel RGB
1 pixel RBG
1 pixel GRB
1 pixel GBR
1 pixel BRG
1 pixel BGR

Secondly I want to know is it possible to group change the fixtures
selected in the Patch Editor , because if I change the pixel light I used , I needed to do the patch from the begining!

Thanks a lot!
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Re: Simple pixel light

Post by Guertler »

Hello hing88008,
At the moment the MADRIX fixture library includes a RGB and GBR light. This two fixtures you will find under the manufacturer "!generic".
But you can easily add the desired fixtures with the help of the MADRIX Fixture Editor. In the following link you can learn how you can create and add new fixtures to the MADRIX fixture library: ... ditor.html
If you have trouble to create the fixtures please write us an e-mail to info[at]madrix[dot]com and we will help you to create the fixtures.
Regarding your second question:
In MADRIX you have the possibility to update patched fixtures. That means the fixture must have the same name and you can change settings of this fixture in the Fixture Editor and update it in the Patch Editor of MADRIX.
If you want to update a fixture in MADRIX please do the changes of the this fixture in the Fixture Editor and save the library. Now restart MADRIX and open the Patch Editor (in MADRIX go to "Preferences > Patch Editor"). In the Patch Editor please go to "File > Update Fixtures From Library"
Posts: 8
Joined: Mon Oct 28, 2013 7:57 pm

Re: Simple pixel light

Post by hing88008 »

Dear Guertler:

Thank you for your advise and have a good day! :D