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Joined: Sun Feb 28, 2016 2:34 pm


Post by HP »

Hi...I'm running 7 universes via a Luna 8.

The moment Madrix starts the fixtures start flickering violently.

Playback from Madrix, outputs to the fixtures but the flickering doesn't stop.

Only on full white the flickering eases slightly. But not by much on the fixtures in certain universes.

I even tried Madrix 2 but the problem is the same.

When the universes are plugged in separately to a hand held DMX tester, they work fine.

Pls help!!!
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Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:47 am

Re: Flicker

Post by Guertler »

Hello HP,
Welcome to the MADRIX forum.
The described flicker often occurs when the fixtures can not work with the optimized DMX protocol.
Default MADRIX is sending optimized DMX frames. But you can easily change this setttings in the MADRIX "Device Manager" ("Preferences > Device Manger"). At the "DMX Devices" tab of the "Device Manager" you will find the checkbox "Send Full Frames" in the "Settings" section. To enable it please select the desired device in the list and click the checkbox.

Another problem could also be the frame rate of MADRIX. Default MADRIX sends with 33,3 FPS. You can change the send Frame Rate in the "Settings" section of the "DMX Devices" tab.