How do you change Operation Mode in Fixture?

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How do you change Operation Mode in Fixture?

Post by jholmes »


In the Patch Editor, I need to change the operation mode of all my fixtures but would rather not re-patch them all from scratch. I have already made a second operation mode in the fixture editor, but how do I specify without deleting and starting over?
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Re: How do you change Operation Mode in Fixture?

Post by Guertler »

Hello jholmes,
If you don't want to repatch the patched fixtures in another operation mode you have the possility to change the settings in the current used operation mode with the help of the MADRIX Fixture Editor and save it und the exact same name. Now you have to restart MADRIX and open the "Patch Editor". In the "Patch Editor" please go to "File > Update Fixtures From Library".
MADRIX will reload the patched fixtures from the fixture library which are saved under the exact same name.
If you have changed the operation mode in the way that you will now have more or less DMX channels and/or more or less pixels per fixture you have manually change the new DMX start channel and/or start possition of every fixture. Therefor you can use the "Offset" settings in the settings section of the "Patch Editor".