Fixture Group Control

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Joined: Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:35 am

Fixture Group Control

Post by orca320 »

Is there any way to control fixture groups individually by effect?

I have 6 small LED "sculptures" and have written several visuals that look really great on them. Each of these visuals is about three layers worth of effects. Each sculpture is also its own fixture group.

I know I can map my visuals to the fixture group. But does this mean that if I want my visual on all 6 of these sculptures individually I have to create a new visual consisting of 18 layers?

If I want to change the look of every other scultpure do I need to record the information for all the sculptures into a visual? Would there be any way to affect a change on every odd scultpure but keep the even sculptures they were previously in?
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Re: Fixture Group Control

Post by Guertler »

Hello orca320,
Welcome to the MADRIX forum.
In MADRIX the groups are designed to change the brightness of assigend parts of the patched fixtures like a sub dimmer and also to use the groups as preset for the mapping.
You can have access to the brightness settings of individual groups when you are using the cue list. In the MADRIX cue list you will be able to add a group preset per cue. In the group control you have the possibility to create this presets.
When you now want to create new effects/visuals for the different parts of the sculpture you have to use 18 different layers. If you will use on some parts of your sculptures the same content you can use the "Tile" and "Offset" option of the mapping in MADRIX.
When you want to change the effect only at the odd sculptures of the whole patch during the live operating you could create effects for the even on one storage and effects for the odd on another strorage. When you now set the crossfader to 50% and the fade type the "White Fade", you can activate on one side the even effects and on the other side the effects for the odd seperatly.