Help making a patch for a partial LED strip?

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Help making a patch for a partial LED strip?

Post by Kaleb »

I'm trying to map a cube of LED strips with only the corners of the cube lit by LEDs. I have it set up as 12 LED strips, 1 universe each for 12 universes. Each LED is set up on the physically on the cube such that a few of the lights before and after the edge they're applied to need to be turned off and be invisible to the patch. The problem I've run into is when I remove those extra lights on either ends of the strip they bump all the other universes arrangements down so that they're not fitting the cube properly. Is there any way I can lock the other universes assignments/location while also disabling a few extra lights on the ends of the other lines/universes? Thanks for the help!
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Re: Help making a patch for a partial LED strip?

Post by Guertler »

Hello Kaleb,
I don't know if I understand you right. At the moment I think you have to use the "Patch Editor" in MADRIX to patch the desired cube. With the help of the "Patch Editor" you can patch it pixel by pixel individually and you can adjust the address assignment or delete fixtures.
Under the following links you can learn more about the "Patch Editor": ... patch.html ... tures.html ... space.html ... indow.html