Patching led-strips on different angles

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Patching led-strips on different angles

Post by BlackAnt »


I have summer tour coming and was wondering the pathing issues.
I'll have 40pc of 1m length led tubes that each will have rgb 96leds.
Tubes are arranged in angles ( ... t.jpg?dl=0)

Is there any way to patch leds on different angles or do I have to patch them one-by-one manually?
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Re: Patching led-strips on different angles

Post by M-tec-Online »

The way I did it, was to edit the Profile of the fixture, copied it, changed its pixel setup into one version turned about 22,5 degrees, another one turned to 45 degrees. Every other angle can be done in Madrix, by flipping and mirroring. In this way almost every setup can be realized.

https://www.2343ec78a04c6ea9d80806345d31fd78-gdprlock/MTecOnline/pos ... 51802095:0

Best regards, Mikel
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Re: Patching led-strips on different angles

Post by BlackAnt »

I can do it manually but it would be great if I could select group of fixtures and flip the selection on 5 degree increments.
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Re: Patching led-strips on different angles

Post by Guertler »

Hello BlackAnt,
First of all thank you for your input. We will discuss with the developers about your feature wish.
At the moment it is only possible to rotate fixtures by 90 degree and flip it. As "M-tec-Online" advised in this post you can create an own fixture in the MADRIX "Fixture Editor" and use this fixture to create your desired patch.
When I look at the posted image, I think you will need to create only one diagonal fixture from top left to bottom right or other way arround. Now you can create the patch with this fixture and rotate/flip it to the desired orientations.
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Joined: Sun Jan 31, 2016 11:52 pm

Re: Patching led-strips on different angles

Post by BlackAnt »

Those led-strips that are on the picture are easy because they are all either 50 degrees right or left. So if I make one fixture I can flip that.
But I will have also 1,5 meter long strips that will "fall" on 5 degree increments. First is straight up then next 11 will "fall" on 5 degree increments. So the last one is going to be at 35 degrees. This I'll have to do manually :/

Here is picture of those other strips ... t.jpg?dl=0