Virtual universes automatic increment when create DMX device

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Virtual universes automatic increment when create DMX device

Post by mystismile »

I spend a lot of time to connect Artnet universes with virtual universes when I don't use the ArtPoll.

For example, when I add 80 artnet Universes, they are incrementally created, but they are all connected to the virtual universe 1. :x

Do you think it is possible that during this creation the virtual universes is incremented in the same way as the universe Artnet, it would save me a considerable time in each of my projects. :wink:

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Re: Virtual universes automatic increment when create DMX device

Post by Guertler »

Hello mystismile,

Thank you for the input.
The developers are already informed about this wish and they will have a look to improve this behavior of MADRIX.
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