performance problems

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performance problems

Post by Matthieu »

Last week i used madrix on a job with 7936 pixels.
i mapped all voxels in RGB mode over 60 universes.
i mapped them over a grid of 384/256/384.
the preview benchmark shows me that i can do 52458 voxels.
When i do the preview benchmark the CPU is only at 10% usage and the Geforce RTX 8080Ti is only at 40% usage.
when i load the setup the previews all show only 1.1 frame rate, when i turn of the previews i get 10 frames.
in the render settings i have pached only enabled.
i would upload my setup and patch and some screenshots but i dont see an upload button.

Im wondering what i have done wrong
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Joined: Tue Feb 04, 2014 10:47 am

Re: performance problems

Post by Guertler »

Hello Matthieu,

In your post you wrote the Preview Benchmark of MADRIX has calculated a maximum 3D result of 52,458 voxels. Now you have create a patch of 384 x 256 x 384 voxels. That's are 37,748,736 voxels in total. 37,748,736 is 720 times higher than the calculated result of the 3D Preview Benchmark test. 
That's a reason why you can see only a frame rate of 1.1 frames in the previews.

Furthermore a patch size of 384 x 256 x 384 (37,748,736 voxels in total) means you will calculate effects on a size of 18.2 times Full HD resolution in real time. This will become to a very, very heavy job for MADRIX at the used PC. Of course you have patched only 7936 pixels but MADRIX will use the total size of the patch for the calculation of the effect and does some optimizations when "Patched Only" is enabled in the "Included Voxels" settings of the MADRIX "Options".

As you know MADRIX is calculation all effect in real time at the CPU and will use as much CPU cores as the PC system provides but when you have load such a heavy patch it could happen that one CPU is nearly full loaded and other CPUs have not so much workload. This is the reason why it could happen that the "Windows Task-Manager" represents a low total CPU workload but the frames are dropping down.
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