Same Key for Madrix 3 and 5?

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Same Key for Madrix 3 and 5?

Post by commander »


My USB Key was changed because of some incompatibility issues with Madrix 5 (so I understood)
During this Process I was asked if I want to use Madrix 5 in the Future. I said "yes" because in the future I will changeover.
Today I tested it and it with madrix 3.6k and I always got the Message that there is no Madrix 3 Key. Do I have to switch over to Madrix 5 nox? Or can I use both with the same Key?

If I have to switch to Madrix 5, can I just load my old Project File and everything works again?

Thanks, Sven
Posts: 341
Joined: Fri Mar 22, 2019 4:21 pm

Re: Same Key for Madrix 3 and 5?

Post by Schulze »

Hi Sven,

It is not possible to have two licenses on one MADRIX KEY (MADRIX 3 and MADRIX 5).

It seems that you only have a valid MADRIX 5 license now.
Could you send us your MADRIX KEY serial number (to info[at]madrix[dot]com) in order to ascertain it?

Of course, you are able to load your MADRIX 3 setup in MADRIX 5.