Originated from Germany, the MADRIX software stands as a globally renowned lighting control system widely utilized in entertainment shows, stage lighting, and exterior illumination, etc. worldwide. Developed by inoage GmbH, the MADRIX software has garnered a stellar reputation for its excellence. The copyright for the MADRIX software, held by inoage GmbH, is protected under the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works, as well as the Copyright Law of the People’s Republic of China. In 2022, inoage GmbH has obtained the Certificates of Software Copyright Registration for the MADRIX software in China.
Despite its acclaim, it is discovered that unscrupulous individuals infringe on inoage GmbH’s rights by peddling pirated MADRIX software. These actions have severely tarnished the brand’s reputation, disrupted product services, and impacted market sales of the MADRIX software. In response, inoage GmbH has proactively engaged a professional law firm to take legal actions and has already obtained a string of successful outcomes.
Recently, inoage GmbH once again launched an administrative procedure to combat a company’s illicit sale of cracked MADRIX software on an e-commerce platform. Following the case’s acceptance, the involved parties reached a settlement under the coordination of the administrative authority. The case was eventually closed with the infringing company ceasing infringement, destroying all infringing products, disclosing all sales data to inoage GmbH, paying substantial compensation, as well as signing an undertaking to refrain from any further infringement and participate in the fight against pirated software.
This latest triumph marks a significant milestone for inoage GmbH in its crusade against pirated MADRIX software. Moving forward, inoage GmbH will continue to keep a close watch on the lighting control software market in China, firmly crack down the production, distribution, and illegal use of pirated MADRIX software and other infringements, and will resolutely pursue legal action against infringements to safeguard its legitimate rights and interests, and foster a good market environment. At the same time, inoage GmbH will enhance technological innovation and intellectual property protection to deliver top-notch products and services to the users and the market.
inoage GmbH hereby reminds that the sale, tying for sale or distribution of free pirated software constitutes a violation of copyright laws governing the reproduction, distribution and dissemination of software via information networks, falling within the scope of intellectual property infringement, regardless of profit motives.
Furthermore, inoage GmbH urges consumers to opt for official channels when purchasing software to avoid potential pitfalls associated with pirated software, such as the inability of obtaining effective product supports and a series of problems and risks such as data security vulnerabilities, system instability, malware and viruses.
For authentic MADRIX software, consumers can visit the official website of MADRIX software at www.madrix.com or www.madrix.com/zh. For further assistance, please feel free to contact us via the provided contact information on the website.