Controlling the Aura via DMX like Madrix 5?

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Controlling the Aura via DMX like Madrix 5?

Post by Avocado »

Heya folks!

I am trying to figure out capabilities, and haven't been able to find an answer yet.
I am building a lighting show that uses pixel curtains and moving head fixtures. I am building out a timeline using my lighting console. Currently I can use my lighting console to control Madrix 5, but ideally I would be using the Aura controller (a couple in different locations) to output the looks in their areas.

Ideally, this is what I would want to do:
-Create custom scenes/looks in Madrix 5 (images or videos, etc)
-Upload/Install those looks onto a Madrix controller (Aura I believe)
-Using DMX into the controller, call up those looks and set fade types, speed, etc. like you can with DMX into Madrix 5.

Is this possible? Or for the Aura do I just have to record an entire timeline, cuelist, or specific cues and just tell them "go" without being able to control other aspects like fade type and speeds?
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Re: Controlling the Aura via DMX like Madrix 5?

Post by Schulze »

Hi Avocado,

Yes, you can create your effects in MADRIX 5 and record them with the MADRIX AURA.
Using DMX into the controller, call up those looks and set fade types, speed, etc. like you can with DMX into Madrix 5.
- You can call the AURA cues/scenes remotely similar to Storage Places in MADRIX 5 via Art-Net, sACN or HTTP.
- The AURA allows you to control the intensity and speed of the cues to be played back remotely, but not the fade time.
Or for the Aura do I just have to record an entire timeline, cuelist, or specific cues and just tell them "go" without being able to control other aspects like fade type and speeds?
- Yes, partly. You can change the play back speed of the AURA Cue List remotely.
- All the other settings (fade types, fade times, play back direction,...) need to be set up in the Cue List menu of the AURA webconfiguration. These settings can't be controlled remotely.

Here you can find all remote control options which the AURA offers:

Here you can find all settings, which are bound to a Cue and can't be controlled remotely:
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